Mix and match your website with alterations or new features.
Add new features to your website or make some alterations, like picking new items for your wardrobe you want to add or make changes that the occasion calls for it can be a new menu you want to show off for your new product launches or be bold and make your website into an e-commerce one. Look below and see how you can make your site ready for for the next big thing.
WordPress Features
These are ways in which you can expand your WordPress website, from what you currently have. Start booking students for your classes within your website, Make your site into a store and more look to what we offer when expanding your website.
WordPress Alterations
Alterations are small jobs for wordpress and design. These change your site in unique and helpful ways. Here are just some of the alterations we offer “Add a WordPress Page”, “Page Refresh”, “Alter the Menu” and “Alter Fonts”. Look to our alterations page for more small changes to your wordpress sites.